North Americans Debunk US & OAS Claims on Nicaragua Election
While major news networks and the Biden administration have labeled Nicaragua’s election a “sham”, North American delegations say their observations contradict the accusations.
Members of delegations from the United States and Canada who were first-hand witnesses of the election held a press conference in Managua, in which they characterized the process as efficient, transparent, with widespread turnout and participation of opposition parties.
165 international representatives from 27 countries were represented in delegations which traveled to 10 departments and two autonomous regions of Nicaragua on the day of the vote.
Speakers visited polling centers in Leon, Bluefields, Bilwi, Chontales, Granada, and Managua and interviewed voters, poll workers and political party representatives from across the political spectrum.
The overwhelming message was the Nicaraguan people’s desire for peace and the ability to exercise national sovereignty without foreign interference.
On Tuesday, the OAS called on the international community to “demand the annulment” of Nicaragua’s November 7th elections and for the “holding of a new electoral process” in 17-page report. The release followed similar statements from Joe Biden on Sunday night and another by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday.
Speakers at the press conference represented the following organizations: Jubilee House Community, Black Alliance for Peace, Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice, Casa Baltimore-Limay, Friends of the ATC, Plataforma de la Clase Obrera Antiimperialista, Alliance for Global Justice, Friends of the Congo, CodePink, Friends of Latin America and Task Force on the Americas.
President Daniel Ortega and Vice President Rosario Murillo celebrated the major electoral victory on Monday with Sandinista youth and live music at Plaza of the Revolution, in an act commemorating the 45th anniversary of the passing of Carlos Fonseca, founder of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN).