Ex-Ministers Issue Declaration in Defense of Evo Morales

The former ministers of Evo Morales’ administration held a press conference in La Paz this Thursday to denounce a vicious smear campaign against the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) leader, maliciously linking him to illegal activities. A declaration signed by 35 former authorities stated that no formal accusation had been made against the former President during his 14 years in office.

“We declare that during the 14 year administration of our government, Evo Morales was never accused by competent bodies of such crimes, nor was former Vice President Álvaro García Linera nor his most important ministers: Luis Arce Catacora and David Choquehuanca. None of us former ministers were ever remotely accused of this type of crime. Several former ministers of various civil and military governments prior to ours were,” indicates the statement.

The document read by the former Minister of Culture, Wilma Alanoca, recalls that even prior to coming to government, Morales was on the receiving end of attacks by right-wing politicians who attempted to link he and leaders of the indigenous campesino movement to drug trafficking.

“People know that Evo Morales is the politician who is subjected to the most rigorous investigation at all times, even violating his most fundamental rights, by agents of imperialism and their political allies in Bolivia who have always sought his political death, with greater stubbornness since he assumed the presidency of the country and implemented, with the support of the people, a political, economic and cultural revolution and the refoundation of the State.”

The former Minister of Productive Development and Plural Economy, Teresa Morales, said that, as a coca grower leader, Morales was the victim of constant threats and political harassment in order to prevent him from continuing his fight to defend the interests of the Bolivian people.

“Surely, we are going to have more persecution. For several years we have had threats and persecution against the government and currently he’s the one (Evo Morales) who is receiving these threats. We’re closing ranks around him, because in recent weeks these accusations and the persecution have intensified and we’re closing ranks around him to ensure his personal integrity,” she said.

The signed statement adds that Evo had declared himself clearly anti-imperialist and proceeded to expel U.S. agencies such as the DEA, the NAS (which preceded the DEA), and USAID for carrying out interventionist activities and committed abuses in Bolivia. The decision to do so continues to provoke reprisals from the U.S. government.

The declaration and its signatories can be read below.

By Kawsachun News

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