Guatemala Protests Call for Resignation of President Giammattei & Corrupt AG
Protests and road blockades are being held on roads and highways across Guatemala to demand the resignation of neoliberal President Alejandro Giammattei and his Attorney General, Consuelo Porras following the dismissal of the head of the Special Prosecutor Against Corruption, Juan Francisco Sandoval, now in exile.
A large number of opposition movements and parties, including indigenous, campesino and student organizations have organized at more than 60 meeting points in the capital and across the country, in what some are calling a ‘Plurinational strike’. Indigenous authorities issued a call on Thursday, urging the population to support mobilizations by taking to the streets to show rejection of the government and its corruption and flagrant mismanagement of the state.
The protests were preceded by a July 24th assembly which saw the attendance of representatives of the Mayan, Garífuna and Xinca peoples, as well as civil society and students. During the assembly, the leaders of the 48 Cantons spoke out for going on strike if Consuelo Porras did not present her resignation in two days.
Just eight months earlier, major protests were held against the Congress’ approval of the 2021 budget and the refusal of the Head of State to veto it, despite widespread rejection of the neoliberal cuts to health and education. The Guatemalan President has amassed fierce disapproval in just a year and half in office.
Daniel Pascual Hernandez, General Coordinator of the Comité de Unidad Campesina (CUC), described the scene in the country as social movements took to the streets (watch here):
“It’s a joy here to see many young people, conscious men and women, demonstrating their rejection to corruption and impunity, and directly demanding the resignation of Consuelo Porras, Alejandro Giammattei and his government.”
“This is already a national mobilization that does have levels of a national strike but that needs much more strength and energy. The main objective, the first step is being taken, which is the situation of the resignation of Consuelo Porras and Alejandro Giammattei, that is why from here, from zone 2 and zone 1 of the capital we send a cordial greeting to our colleagues from the Cuca, Waqaq Qiej Social and Popular Assembly that we make present throughout the national territory. Forward, comrades!”
Where to find more multimedia coverage of today’s protests
teleSUR Correspondent Santiago Boton has been streaming live on his Facebook throughout the day, from mobilization sites.
More live video can be seen on the social media pages of Asamblea Departamental Multisectorial Quiche, Federación Guatemalteca de Escuelas Radiofónicas FGER, and Comité de Unidad Campesina CUC