Sandinistas maintain fuel prices for yet another week
The government of Nicaragua will once again absorb 100% of the increase in the cost of diesel, super and regular gasoline for the coming week of April 17 to 23. At the same time, the price of liquefied gas will also remain stable as the government assumes any cost increase for another consecutive week. The announcement was made by the Nicaraguan Institute of Energy and the Ministry of Energy through a press release circulated this afternoon.
The President of the Republic, Commander Daniel Ortega Saavedra and our Vice President Rosario Murillo, given the constant increase in the international prices of oil and its derivatives since the beginning of the year 2021, which affect the economies of all countries, always thinking of the support to the Nicaraguan Families and the diverse economic activities that our People carry out related to the production and collective transportation, have instructed the Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Nicaraguan Institute of Energy, to inform our People that the Government of Reconciliation and National Unity (GRUN), assumes with our resources the following increases corresponding to the week of April 17 to 23, 2022:
According to international prices the price of Diesel for the following week should increase by 16.32 C$/gallon, however, our Government has decided not to increase said price and to assume 100% of said increase.
In the case of Super and Regular Gasoline, prices will be maintained without any adjustment, and our Government will assume 100% of the increase.
As for Liquefied Petroleum Gas, which is the one used by Nicaraguan households for food preparation, its price should increase in the order of C$30.00 per 25 pound cylinder, however, the Government has decided to assume 100% of this increase, so that Liquefied Petroleum Gas will not have any change in its price for the 10 pound, 25 pound and 100 pound presentations.
It is a constant concern of the Presidency of the Republic the impact that these prices have on the Family Economy and the economic sectors of the Country, therefore, our Government of Reconciliation and National Unity will continue to permanently monitor the behavior of international prices and other variables that make up the price of fuels, and will take the corresponding actions and measures to mitigate the impact of the increase of these prices on the economy of Nicaraguan families.
Closing this Holy Week in Peace, Harmony and Family.
Managua, April 15, 2022.
Ministry of Energy and Mines
Nicaraguan Institute of Energy
Government of Reconciliation and National Unity
By Kawsachun News