World Calls for End to U.S. Blockade on Cuba for 30th Time
The United Nations General Assembly has called for an end to the long-standing and genocidal U.S. blockade on Cuba for the 30th consecutive time, in a 185 to 2 vote, with 2 abstentions. The United States was joined by Israel in voting against, while Brazil and Ukraine abstained.
The draft resolution on the ‘Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba’ was debated on Tuesday, November 2nd and Wednesday the 3rd, during which it was made clear that the United States remains isolated in pursuing its illegal blockade policy against Cuba.
On Tuesday, the Assembly heard from groups and organizations which pronounced themselves in favor of the draft resolution: ASEAN, SICA, CELAC, G77 + China, CARICOM, the Organization for Islamic Cooperation, Group of Friends in Defense of the UN Charter and Non-Aligned Movement and the African Group.
Students were gathered at the University of Havana campus to hear speech of Foreign Minister of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez and to witness the vote, before the UN General Assembly. Rodríguez was the final speaker ahead of the recorded vote.
By Kawsachun News
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