Mexico Opposition Votes Down Electrical Reform
Opposition lawmakers in Mexico have been condemned as ‘traitors’ to their country after they rejected the electrical reform that would see the country become self-sufficient in energy.
In a marathon parliamentary session yesterday, the electricity reform project achieved 275 votes in favor, 223 against, and 0 abstentions.
The objective of the reform, promoted by President López Obrador, is to nationalize the distribution and production of electricity. It would have entailed repealing the 2013 energy law of former President Enrique Peña Nieto, which handed the energy sector of Mexico to foreign corporations.
AMLO’s reform was rejected by neoliberal opposition political groups and corporate interests. However, hours before the decision of the Chamber of Deputies, the president reiterated that he already had a plan B in case his proposal was not approved by the plenary session. He said: “no matter what happens we are already protected against the traitor. Tomorrow I’ll explain it again.”
The ‘plan B’ refers to President AMLO’s decision to make executive reforms to the Mining Law in order to nationalize the country’s lithium supply. On Thursday, the President said; “They are not going to put us against a wall. Lithium, which is coveted by both corporations and foreign governments, will belong to Mexico (..) this morning, I have just signed the initiative to reform the mining law, which doesn’t require two-thirds. It’s a simple majority, so that lithium remains the property of the nation.”
This morning, the President classified the opposite vote as an “act of treason”: “I believe that yesterday an act of treason against Mexico was committed, by a group of legislators who, instead of defending the interests of the people, of the nation, of defending what is public, became outspoken defenders of foreign companies who thrive off of stealing. These lawmakers supported the looters. What happened is very unfortunate, although it is not surprising.”
By Kawsachun News