Runasur to Unite Social Movements for a True Liberation
A new medium for the integration of peoples and social movements is coming together following two intense days of debate in the town of Villa Tunari, Cochabamba.
Runasur’s general structure and strategy for international coordination were defined by a commission of social movement representatives over the weekend (April 24-25).
The technical commission, which was hosted by MAS President Evo Morales, consists of representatives from Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina and Bolivia.
“Runasur has one goal: first, to unite all social movements, be they indigenous, workers, the middle class, teachers, professionals and intellectuals. The goal is how to fight for a true liberation, Plurinational America, of the peoples for the peoples,” stated Evo, during the final press conference.
Argentine workers’ representative Hugo Cachorro Godoy read the guidelines established during the discussions, saying Runasur will be anti-colonial, anti-capitalist, complimentary, sovereign, articulating and anti-imperialist.
“The technical commission has taken the resolution to advance the announcement, contact and invitation to social organizations, unions and organizations of afro-descendent and indigenous peoples in the rest of the countries of South America in order to continue building Runasur and continue preparing for a great plurinational assembly of our peoples,” said Godoy.
“Without a doubt, we are confronting the utmost cultural aggression in history, which comes from the North, against the countries of the South, similar to what was experienced during the colonial period. This battle of humanity to liberate must be faced based in political ideology and above all, from cultural identity,” he continued.
Jaime Vargas, President of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), announced the structure which had been defined for the first stage of RUNASUR during the two day meeting. Responsibilities and decision-making roles will rotate and decisions will be made by consensus.
An Executive Council of Runasur will be made up of Secretary General and a directory of representatives of the member countries organized in areas such as education, decolonization, health, economy, communication and Mother Earth.
“For us it is an important and historic moment to recover unity, to work for the recovery of our history, for the vindication of our rights,” said the Amazonian leader.
Evo informed that representatives of the four countries which form the technical commission will have the task of reaching out to social movements of the other eight South American countries: “The four countries that make up this technical commission have responsibilities, a job in other South American countries. Bolivia will take on Peru and Paraguay; Argentina, [will be responsible for] Brazil and Uruguay; Ecuador [will be responsible for] Colombia and Chile; and Venezuela [will be responsible for] Suriname and Guyana. It is a work of socialization and information with social organizations, from the rural areas or from the city, professional or non-professional, indigenous or non-indigenous, workers, all sectors.”
Vice President of the Simon Bolivar Institute, Lidice Altuve, read a resolution adopted by meeting delegates which calls for the end of the technological monopolization in health, with the specific demand for the release of Covid-19 vaccine patents in order to guarantee access to the vaccine to people worldwide.
Representatives of other Venezuelan social movements accompanied the Simon Bolivar Institute. The Bartolina Sisa women’s organization of Bolivia participated, along with Bolivian unions. Argentine unions participated in the meeting as well as Argentine Ambassador Ariel Basteiro who spoke on Saturday evening. A group from Peru also participated as observers.